Blogging Baggins!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

What? No Smarties?

I really didn't think that even Nestle could sink this low, but once again I have been proved wrong.

Our SIO bought everyone in our team a Smarties Easter egg as a little treat. Ahhhh how nice I thought. Wrong; it was just one big bitter disappointment.

Simon mentioned to me that there had been a feature on Watchdog because so many kids (and adults like moi I guess) had been shocked and horrified when they opened their Smarties Easter egg and found no Smarties inside. Thinking that would never happen to me I grabbed my Easter egg and read on the front ....

So I thought well they just must have run out of room to advertise the small bag of Smarties you always get inside the egg of a Smarties Easter egg because they had chosen to draw attention to the special egg cup that was part of the deal. So I opened my Easter egg and ...

not even a sniff of Smarties. How rubbish is that??????


  • At 3:42 pm, Anonymous Richard said…

    Hahaha! I was a little boy back in 2005 and I remember getting this Easter egg! And I still have the eggcup to prove it! This brings back memories! ;)


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